Have you ever wondered how the Easter Bunny got started in his career? This candid picture may help explain things.
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\ | / ) ( Eggs?? Where the heck )
\ | / .-'" \_ are my carrots?! /
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E A S T E R T I M E !!!
Happy Easter!
Oh no! Now Cookie Crumbles is SPAMing!
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I stumbled across the wonderfully creative ASCII art and thought it would be great for my readers to enjoy. ASCII art and SPAM have come together in a humourous way for a change. Many of you may remember this can although the newer products have a different image.
I do not know who originally created this ASCII image, so if you have some idea, please let me know. And don’t forget that SPAM is a trademark of Hormel Foods Corporation.
And now for something completely different (apologies to Monty Python), check out the entire SPAM skit dialogue.