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Paddy and Jack O’Lantern have decided to start their own moving company. They’ve even designed their own line of moving boxes. They hope you like them.
Paddy and Jack O'Lantern's New Line of Moving Boxes
Have you ever wondered what the first family trip to the moon would be like? I did. In fact, I even made cartoons about it!
The very first family trip to the moon.
Have you ever wondered how the Easter Bunny got started in his career? This candid picture may help explain things.
.-'-. ________________________ \ | ____ / \ \ | / ) ( Eggs?? Where the heck ) \ | / .-'" \_ are my carrots?! / _\|/.' o()(__)_____________________/ /_____\_ /'----|_/_ | 0 \ __::/ _ __@__ / \ H (_) / _ _\ / (_|_---|_/ /_(_)(_)\ / \____ \.-' /(_)(_)(_)\ _ / )\_/ |/\\//\\//\\| / \/ / (/_ |/\\//\\//\\| \_/\_(_______) |/\\//\\//\\| """"""""""""" E A S T E R T I M E !!!
Happy Easter!
Oh no! Now Cookie Crumbles is SPAMing!
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I stumbled across the wonderfully creative ASCII art and thought it would be great for my readers to enjoy. ASCII art and SPAM have come together in a humourous way for a change. Many of you may remember this can although the newer products have a different image.
I do not know who originally created this ASCII image, so if you have some idea, please let me know. And don’t forget that SPAM is a trademark of Hormel Foods Corporation.
And now for something completely different (apologies to Monty Python), check out the entire SPAM skit dialogue.
I received this particular cartoon in an email many years back and I have never been able to find anything about the cartoonist who created it. The web site along the right side doesn’t seem to be in use anymore. I’m not even sure if that is the site for the cartoonist or just where it was originally published. If you have any information about him or her please let me know.
Either way, enjoy the comic! I do every time I look at it. I’d hate to be in a fishing derby with Moses 8=)